New Enemy AI and Effects

Hello everyone!
We are excited to show you some screenshots showing a couple of features we've improved and a new one which wasn't present before:
Enemy AI:
We've completely reworked enemy AI to make combat feel more tactical, realistic and challenging. Unlike before, enemies can now be killed (not only stunned), but finishing them off will require a lot of successful shots. As ammunition will be a scarce resource, killing an enemy can mean losing too many bullets.
Enemies will be stunned if they receive a certain amount of shots, and when they recover consciousness, they will become more dangerous, move faster and attack more. To kill an enemy, you must stun him a certain amount of times. That means you will need to think before shooting. ¿Will you be able to kill the enemy? If not, maybe you're just enraging him and making him stronger, ultimately harming yourself.
New Effects
Apart from adding new sound effects and a combat background music, we've managed to make the game feel much more visceral and immersive by adding new blood effects:
Enemies will leave stains of blood on the ground if shot, and when an enemy loses health, he will start to bleed, leaving drops of blood on the ground whenever he moves. The more shots an enemy takes, the bigger and more frequent the blood drops will be.
Players cannot see a health bar indicating how wounded they are or how much health do enemies have left, but thanks to sound effects, blood splashes and Athena's intelligent UI, they will be able to assess the situation correctly.
As you already know, the game is still in early development and the quality seen in videos and screenshots is by no means the quality the final game will have. We're implementing new features and improving the ones we have every day, so look forward to seeing a gameplay video showing all the listed features and more soon!
Get Project Isolation
Project Isolation
Science fiction top-down shooter with short hacking phases.
Status | In development |
Authors | High as Heaven Productions, Mallory |
Genre | Action, Shooter, Survival |
Tags | Singleplayer, Space, Top-Down, Top down shooter |
Languages | English |
Accessibility | Subtitles |
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